Color of noise (Part 1)

Pink noise is a typical measurement signal and often used in audio signal processing. However, the pinkishness of noise is often a mystery and this post try to explain if the term pink noise is accurate or not. Other colored noises will be explained as well in the future. This is the first part of a series, which will explain how to compute the visual representation of a spectrum and some thoughts about the pink in pink noise.

Problem statement

Pink noise is a very interesting topic and measurement signal if you deal with audio signal processing. I always wondered, why it is called pink noise and why are we heave other colorful names for different noises, like green, brown, red or grey noise. I once heard and some sources say, that pink noise is called pink because, if you weigh the white spectrum of light with
$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{f}}$$ it would result in a pink color.

How to weigh a color spectrum?

Determine the starting spectrum

We know that the visual range of light is between a wavelength of 700nm (dark red) and 300nm (close to ultraviolet) and that white light from a natural source contains all colors.

First idea

My first idea was to build a typical rainbow and start with a standard rainbow colormap. I used the definition from (

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
nr_of_colors = 600
height = 100

one_fifth_of_colors = nr_of_colors/5

data = np.zeros((height, nr_of_colors, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for kk in range(int(one_fifth_of_colors)):
    data[:, kk] = [255, int(255*kk/one_fifth_of_colors), 0]

for kk in range(int(one_fifth_of_colors)):
    data[:, kk+int(one_fifth_of_colors) ] = [255-int(255*kk/one_fifth_of_colors),255, 0]

for kk in range(int(one_fifth_of_colors)):
    data[:, kk+2*int(one_fifth_of_colors) ] = [0, 255, int(255*kk/one_fifth_of_colors)]

for kk in range(int(one_fifth_of_colors)):
    data[:, kk+3*int(one_fifth_of_colors) ] = [0, 255-int(255*kk/one_fifth_of_colors),255]

for kk in range(int(one_fifth_of_colors)):
    data[:, kk+4*int(one_fifth_of_colors) ] = [int(255*kk/one_fifth_of_colors), 0,255]
img = Image.fromarray(data, 'RGB')'Rainbow.png')

A typical rainbow used in colormaps, based on RGB values

This rainbow has to be weighted with the 1/sqrt(f) weighting.

rgb_data = np.array(data[0,:,:])

lambda_min = 300
lambda_max = 700
nr_of_values = nr_of_colors    

freqweight = 1/np.linspace(start = 1/np.sqrt(lambda_max), stop=1/np.sqrt(lambda_min), num = nr_of_values)
freqweight /= freqweight[0]

rgb_data[:,0] = rgb_data[:,0] * freqweight
rgb_data[:,1] = rgb_data[:,1] * freqweight
rgb_data[:,2] = rgb_data[:,2] * freqweight

weighted_data = np.zeros((height, nr_of_colors, 3), dtype=np.uint8)

for kk in range(height):
    weighted_data[kk,:,:] = rgb_data

# plot results
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
img2 = Image.fromarray(weighted_data, 'RGB')'RainbowwithWeighting.png')

A weighted rainbow. The higher frequencies (violet) are darker now.

Now we have a weighted spectrum, but if a light source had this spectrum, would it be pink? This leads to the problem how to visualize a light source with a given spectrum

Visualization of a spectrum

Fortunately, several people with a far better understanding of color and the perception of it worked in this field before. I used this website as a starting point. Most of the following code is a translation of their c code to python.

Perception of color

First of all, we need the typical perception of different colors in the human eye. The groundwork was done in 1932. However, since I like closed from formulas better than tabulated measurement values, I ended up with [1] and translated the given code into python. The result is very close to the tabulated data.

def CIE_xyzValues(wavelen):

    if wavelen < 442.0:
        t1 = (wavelen-442.0)*0.0624
        t1 = (wavelen-442.0)*0.0374

    if wavelen<599.8:
        t2 = (wavelen-599.8)*0.0264
        t2 = (wavelen-599.8)*0.0323

    if wavelen < 501.1:
        t3 = (wavelen-501.1)*0.0490
        t3 = (wavelen-501.1)*0.0382

    Out_x = 0.362*np.exp(-0.5*t1*t1) + 1.056*np.exp(-0.5*t2*t2)- 0.065*np.exp(-0.5*t3*t3)

    if wavelen < 568.8:
        t1 = (wavelen-568.8)*0.0213
        t1 = (wavelen-568.8)*0.0247

    if wavelen<530.9:
        t2 = (wavelen-530.9)*0.0613
        t2 = (wavelen-530.9)*0.0322
    Out_y =  0.821*np.exp(-0.5*t1*t1) + 0.286*np.exp(-0.5*t2*t2)
    if wavelen < 437.0:
        t1 = (wavelen-437.0)*0.0845
        t1 = (wavelen-437.0)*0.0278

    if wavelen<459.0:
        t2 = (wavelen-459.0)*0.0385
        t2 = (wavelen-459.0)*0.0725
    Out_z =  1.217*np.exp(-0.5*t1*t1) + 0.681*np.exp(-0.5*t2*t2)
    return Out_x,Out_y,Out_z

nr_of_values = 100    
wavelen_v = np.linspace(start = 380, stop=700, num = nr_of_values)
outx = np.zeros(nr_of_values)
outy = np.zeros(nr_of_values)
outz = np.zeros(nr_of_values)

for kk in range(nr_of_values):
    outx[kk],outy[kk],outz[kk] = CIE_xyzValues(wavelen_v[kk])

fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
ax.plot(wavelen_v,outx, 'r') 
ax.plot(wavelen_v,outy, 'g') 
ax.plot(wavelen_v,outz, 'b') 
ax.set(xlabel='Wavelength in nm')

The human perception for the three basic colors versus wavelength. (Please note that lower frequencies (red) are on the right)

Computation of a RGB code for a given spectrum

The final step is the computation of the RGB code given the xyz values of the human percept. Since RGB is very limited in its color space several adjustments are necessary to get a final color code.

def xyz_to_rgb(XYZ,color_system = 'EBU', white_def = 'E'):
# from
    IlluminantD65 = [0.3127,0.3291]
    IlluminantC   = [0.3101, 0.3162]
    IlluminantE   = [0.33333333, 0.33333333]
    if color_system == 'EBU':
        red = [0.64, 0.33]
        green = [0.29, 0.60]
        blue = [0.15, 0.06]
    elif color_system == 'NTSC':
        red = [0.67, 0.33]
        green = [0.21, 0.71]
        blue = [0.14, 0.08]
    elif color_system == 'SMPTE':
        red = [0.63, 0.34]
        green = [0.31, 0.595]
        blue = [0.155, 0.07]
    elif color_system == 'CIE':
        red = [0.7355, 0.2645]
        green = [0.2658, 0.7243]
        blue = [0.1669, 0.0085]
    elif color_system == 'CIE709':
        red = [0.64, 0.33]
        green = [0.3, 0.6]
        blue = [0.15, 0.06]

# idea from

    color_mat = np.array([(red[0], green[0], blue[0]), (red[1], green[1],blue[1]), (1-red[0]-red[1], 1-green[0]-green[1],1-blue[0]-blue[1])])
    inv_color_mat = np.linalg.inv(color_mat)

    #scaling to white
    if white_def == 'D65':
        white_scale = np.array((IlluminantD65[0], IlluminantD65[1], 1 - IlluminantD65[0]- IlluminantD65[1]))
    elif white_def == 'C':
        white_scale = np.array((IlluminantC[0], IlluminantC[1], 1 - IlluminantC[0]- IlluminantC[1]))
    elif white_def == 'E':
        white_scale = np.array((IlluminantE[0], IlluminantE[1], 1 - IlluminantE[0]- IlluminantE[1]))
    white_scale =
    final_rgb_mat = inv_color_mat / white_scale[:, np.newaxis]
    rgb =
    return rgb

def constrain_rgb(rgb, mode = 0):
    if mode == 0:
        minval = min([0, min(rgb)])
        rgb -= minval
        if rgb[0] < 0:
            rgb[0] = 0
        if rgb[1] < 0:
            rgb[1] = 0
        if rgb[2] < 0:
            rgb[2] = 0
    return rgb

def normalize_rgb(rgb):
    maxval = max([1 ,max(rgb)])
    #maxval = max(rgb)
    rgb /= maxval
    return rgb

def gamma_correcion_rgb(rgb):
        cc = 0.018;
        out = np.zeros(len(rgb))
        for kk,val in enumerate(rgb):
            if (val < cc): 
                val *= (1.099 * val**0.45 - 0.099) / cc
                val = (1.099 * val** 0.45) - 0.099
            out[kk] = val
        return out

nr_of_freqs = nr_of_colors
wavelen_all = np.linspace(start = 380,stop = 700, num = nr_of_freqs)

freqweight = freqweight[::-1]

X_fullspectrum = 0.0;
Y_fullspectrum = 0.0;
Z_fullspectrum = 0.0;

for kk,wavelen in enumerate(wavelen_all):
    x,y,z = CIE_xyzValues(wavelen)
    X_fullspectrum += x*freqweight[kk]
    Y_fullspectrum += y*freqweight[kk]
    Z_fullspectrum += z*freqweight[kk]

    XYZ_Norm = X_fullspectrum + Y_fullspectrum + Z_fullspectrum
    x_final = X_fullspectrum/XYZ_Norm
    y_final = Y_fullspectrum/XYZ_Norm
    z_final = Z_fullspectrum/XYZ_Norm

rgbout = xyz_to_rgb([x_final,y_final,z_final],'EBU')
rgbout = constrain_rgb(rgbout,1)
max_val = np.max(rgbout)
rgbout /= max_val;
rgbout = gamma_correcion_rgb(rgbout)

height = 200
weighted_data = np.zeros((height, height, 3), dtype=np.uint8)

for kk in range(height):
    weighted_data[kk,:,:] = 255*rgbout

img2 = Image.fromarray(weighted_data, 'RGB')'FinalColorOneOverFreq.png')


The final RGB code is in a normalized output RGB = [1. 0.94605317 0.8830502] and looks like this:

This is the perceived color of a rainbow spectrum weighted with 1/sqrt(f)

which is in my opinion not pink or even pinkish.

In order to show, that the model and the idea how to proceed is correct, you can change the frequency weighting to a flat curve

    freqweight = np.ones(nr_of_colors)

and get a color code of RGB = [0.99636662 1. 0.99837885], which is very close to white.

… to be continued (Perhaps something is wrong with the assumptions)

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I hope you find this useful, and if you are young (at least at heart), speak German fluently (or are very willing to learn German) and want to learn how to do this and how to implement this, go to a university. I recommend the JADE HOCHSCHULE in Oldenburg, Northern Germany, where you can study Hörtechnik und Audiologie (Hearing technology and Audiology).


[1] Wyman, C., Sloan, P. P., & Shirley, P. (2013). Simple analytic approximations to the CIE XYZ color matching functions. Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 2(2), 1-11.

Comments are welcome

Since this topic is quite new for me, I am happy for comments, ideas and critique.

JoBi Written by: